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 Spotlight Us

Sean Simon

Tom Barbaro

Sean Simon and Tom Barbaro are experienced sales leaders with a long history of working side-by-side to build and lead lucrative tech company sales teams. As VP’s of Sales (East and West) at Criteo, they played an integral role in the companies success from early days through IPO. Together, they then built and launched sales efforts for PebblePost, taking the company from Series A to Series C. Sean and Tom’s expansive network of top Enterprise and mid-market brands and agencies have been carefully cultivated through years of relationship-building and revenue-generating partnerships. Their combined experience with raising capital, developing evolving sales strategy, assessing viability, and creating long and short-term plans for company growth have led companies like Yahoo!, SellPoints, LookSmart, and PebblePost to increased revenue generation. Over the years, Sean and Tom have seen technologies come and go, good sales people and bad sales people, good buyers and challenged buyers. These experiences have positioned them well as they focus on improving the way technology is bought and sold within Marketing and eCommerce at Cogent Spotlight.

Our Mission 

Our mission at Cogent is to help brands, agencies, and vendors come together in a way that benefits everyone before, during and after the technology purchase

Brands and Agencies are challenged with too many sales calls from too many technology companies, many of which aren’t relevant for their business. These negative experiences teaches buyers that salespeople are lazy, uninformed, and overly aggressive. The truth is, the good ones aren’t but they can’t break through the noise.

With over 17k technology companies vying for buyers attention just within Marketing and eCommerce, many will fail. Unfortunately, some good ones will fail too, because they can’t get a fair shot for the right business.

Buyers want to spend their time considering the best potential products relevant for their needs. Vendors don’t want to waste time chasing business that isn’t right for their solution. Cogent Spotlight aims to solve these challenges through open and honest discovery, research, evaluations, and the right discussions.

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